Committee Volunteers For the Pelham Art Festival 2025

Seeking Volunteer Committee Members

We are reaching out to the community, seeking individuals who may be interested in supporting the Arts through volunteer opportunities on the PAF Committee for the upcoming year. Various Committee roles are available…some with particular skills and experience, others just requiring the willingness to participate, learn about and share tasks with seasoned members already on the Committee.

Our Meetings are the first Monday of every month except for holiday Mondays in which case, the 2nd Monday instead. No meetings in July and August.

We are proud to continue our mandate of raising funds for Lincoln Pelham Public Libraries and awarding scholarships to local graduating high school students interested in pursuing the Arts in their post-secondary studies. Over the past 37 years, we have raised more than $500,000 for our local community. The Pelham Art Festival is completely run and supported by volunteers.

PAF Committee Volunteer Roles for 2024-25:

The chart below shows this year’s roles. More than one person is welcome in any area to share tasks; teams are a good idea in multi-layered roles. Mentoring is available for those taking on new roles.

Please note that some duties are busiest at certain times of the year.  People often choose to participate in several areas working together with others. Everyone participates in planning during committee meetings.




Role Duration



Lead the Committee, etc.

As needed, Sept- June (ideally a 3 yr role)

Tammy van den Brink


Share chair duties

As needed, Sept.- June



Record meeting minutes/ share agenda, etc.

Sept. – June

 George Doros


Keeps record of Festival acct. expenses, income; artist payment/receipts; banking, reimburses Committee members re: Festival spending; sends out donations; reports to Committee; prepares books for annual audit.

As needed, but mostly Nov -June


G-Mail Contact

Inquiries, Communication with artists and Committee members

As needed and Sept-June

 Mia Ferrara

Artist Liaison Team

Communicates with artists and Committee members

As needed and Oct. – June

 Mia Ferrara

 Linda Ellsworth

 Natalia Shields

Website Team

Creating content and posting ; dealing with web issues;

Home Page; liaison with BDS; Photoshop basics helpful; monitoring artist galleries

All Year

Jason Chow

Stephanie Farr

Linda Ellsworth

Mia Ferrara

Natalia Shields

Home Page Rolling Banner

Bi-weekly posting of PAF artist work on R.B./ design co-ordination for Home Page, able to use Photoshop app. 

All Year

Stephanie Farr

Web Page Content Editor

Edit content for web written by Committee members;

Sept - June

 Various Committee members


Help Line/ Artist Support

Assisting artists, esp. new ones, with online applications/gallery uploads/trouble shooting


 Heidi TeBrake

 Linda Ellsworth

 Edie Pett

Jury Coordinator


Jurying artists for Festival/ response to declined artists

End of Jan- early Feb

 Edie Pett

Social Media

Facebook & IG Posts/ads

Marketing and Promotion Team

All Year


 Linda Warren

Poster, Graphic


Design poster ad graphics, thank you card around theme

Oct - May


 Linda Warren


Arranging Festival promotion with news media; providing specs to Graphic designer

Oct, Feb-May

 Stephanie Farr

 Edie Pett - mentor


Printing Liaison

Coordinate print materials for Festival with Commercial printer

mainly March-May

 Robert Bora

Program Guide

Design and prepare program layout & text to be print-ready before Festival 


 Natalia Shields

Sponsorships Coordinator Team

Invite community businesses to sponsor the Festival; liaison with sponsors

Sept - February

 Tammy van den Brink

 Cherylann Vaccaro

Volunteer Coordinators

Invite volunteers to help with setup, Festival weekend and takedown; organize volunteer schedule

Feb. - May


Curator Coordinator

Invite respected artists, curators, gallery owners, art educators to do 8-10 curated collections re: online Festival

Jan - April

 Francie McGlynn

Award Sponsorship

Invite local businesses to sponsor artist awards (10-12)

Jan - April

 Tammy van den Brink with help from all Committee members

Gala Food Coordinators

Arrange catering of food for Friday opening Gala


 Edie Pett

Wine Liaison with Meridian

Arrange wine service for Fri evening,  Sunday



Booth Board Storage

Determine where booth boards will be stored in 2025

Sept-Dec. 2024

 Cheryl Ann Vaccaro

Decorating Team

Determine and order rental needs; decorate arena around 2025 theme concept


 Heidi TeBrake

 Diana DeVries

Setup/Takedown Team

Set up show booths according to layout; paint touch ups; take down of booths

May - Thursday before, Monday after Festival 

 George Doros

Graham Pett


Order new signs if needed, organize and set up; create and print artist signs




 Robert Bora

Youth Artists Coordinator




Call For Youth Artists – poster distribution to secondary schools in Niagara/ assist with applications, organize jurying of artwork, guidance re: preparing art for exhibit; communicate with artists before & during show.

Nov- May


Natalia Shields

Lori Thibault



Art Around Town

Find display locations/ liaise with artists and businesses/ mount work/ take down


 Cassandra Best

Acquiring Wheelchairs

Organize to borrow wheel chairs from Rexall - Lewis and Krall


 George Doros

Security at Arena

Make arrangements at Meridian C.C.


 George Doros

Children’s Scavenger Hunt

Design and prepare materials for Scavenger Hunt; set up for show/help engage children during Festival.


 Cathy Peters

Library Liaison

Attend meetings, assist with generating ideas, promote Festival via library system

Sept - June

 Cassandra Best


Directors (4)

Cheque signing for expenses, overseeing budget & general operation of Festival

All Year

Tammy van den Brink

Heidi TeBrake


Are you interested in volunteering with us?
We welcome all inquiries via email to [email protected]. You are also welcome to attend a PAF Committee meeting at the Fonthill Library in the Festival Room to find out more about us.